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what is marijuana

Cannabis is commonly known as “hemp” . It is an annual herb, dioecious, native to central Asia and now spread all over the world, both wild and cultivated. There are many varieties of cannabis, and it is one of the earliest plants cultivated by humans. The stems and rods of hemp can be made into fiber, and the seeds can be extracted for oil. Cannabis as a drug mainly refers to the dwarf, branched Indian cannabis. The main active ingredient in cannabis drugs is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Cannabis drugs are divided into three parts:

(1) Dried cannabis plant products: It is made from cannabis plants or plant parts after drying and pressing, commonly known as cannabis cigarettes, in which the THC content is about 0.5-5%.

(2) Cannabis resin: It is made of the resin exuded from the fruit and top of the cannabis flower after being pressed and rubbed. It is also called cannabis resin, and its THC content is about 2-10%.

(3) Hemp oil: a liquid hemp substance purified from hemp plants or hemp seeds and hemp resin, and its THC content is about 10-60%.

cannabis plant

Heavy or long-term use of marijuana can cause serious damage to a person’s health:

(1) Neurological disorders. Overdose can cause unconsciousness, anxiety, depression, etc., hostile impulses to people or suicidal intentions. Long-term marijuana use can induce confusion, paranoia, and delusions.

(2) Damage to memory and behavior. The abuse of marijuana can make the brain memory and attention, calculation and judgment decreased, making people think slow, muna, memory confusion. Long-term smoking can also cause degenerative encephalopathy.

finished cannabis

(3) Affect the immune system. Smoking marijuana can damage the body’s immune system, resulting in low cellular and humoral immune functions, making it susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Therefore, marijuana smokers have more oral tumors.

(4) Smoking marijuana can cause bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma attacks, laryngeal edema and other diseases. Smoking a marijuana cigarette has a 10 times greater impact on lung function than a cigarette.

(5) Affect movement coordination. Excessive use of marijuana can impair the coordination of muscle movements, resulting in poor standing balance, trembling hands, loss of complex maneuvers and the ability to drive a motor vehicle.

Post time: Feb-24-2022