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Advantages of disposable electronic cigarettes

1. More convenient to carry: Disposable e-cigarettes do not need to be recharged and do not need to be replaced. Smokers only need to carry the e-cigarette to go out without the need to carry heavy chargers and other accessories.

2. More stable performance: because of the completely enclosed design, disposable electronic cigarettes reduce the operation links such as charging and replacing cartridges, which also reduces the occurrence of faults. The rechargeable electronic cigarettes cannot solve the problems of circuit failure and liquid leakage. This has been completely solved in disposable electronic cigarettes.

3. More e-cigarettes: The capacity of disposable e-cigarettes can reach more than 5-8 times that of rechargeable e-cigarettes, and the service life of disposable e-cigarettes is longer.

4.Stronger battery: In general rechargeable electronic cigarettes, each cartridge needs to be charged at least once, and the battery efficiency is extremely low, which is equivalent to charging once for every 5-8 cigarettes smoked. And if the rechargeable e-cigarette is left unused, the e-cigarette can no longer be used in about 2 months. In contrast, disposable e-cigarette batteries are powerful and can support more than 40 ordinary cigarettes. And if the disposable e-cigarette is left unused, it will basically not affect the use of the e-cigarette battery within one year, and within two years, the impact on the battery will not exceed 10%.
Advantages of disposable electronic cigarettes

Post time: Dec-20-2021